That's right boys a girl, what you put online is there to stay. SURPRISE!!! Shocking I know! Here's a simple question to ask yourself before posting something: would I want my mother to see this? Now if the answer is no, don't post it. If you're not sure, show it to your mother. If you don't know who/where your mother is, well then the negative impact of social media is the last thing you should be worried about.
Recently I noticed where one of my "friends," oh hell let's just be honest...someone I don't talk to, EVER, but I think it is rude to defriend them, posted a picture to their Facebook that I would NEVER post or even partake in the activity being photographed. A photo so idiotic that it made me defriend them and then block them from ever being able to request my Facebook friendship ever again. The sad thing is that this person is a mother. Yup, she has 3 children...awesome parenting there my dear! Forget explaining that to current or future employers, how to do you explain to your kids what Mommy was thinking. Really, you thought that was a good idea?!
I really wish people would think more! Just think! Even if you think through something and still come up with the wrong answer/explanation/solution...just THINK! USE YOUR BRAIN! I know it's in there somewhere! Buried deep down in the depths of your skull there has to be a brain, there just has to be!
That's my rant for the day. If you disagree with me, well quite frankly I don't care.