Monday, December 26, 2011

High School Reunions Post Facebook? Seems A Little Pointless If You Ask Me

So, I'll never understand the point of a high school class reunion. Sure, I suppose it made sense for our parents' generation but today what is the point? Honestly? With Facebook, Twitter, and everything else we have access to, if I wanted to keep in touch with you, I would.

There are maybe 10 people I still talk to from high school that I'm still actual friends with, and a few of those people weren't even in my class.  The people that I went to high school that I actually care about keeping in touch with, well I talk to those people on a somewhat regular basis and even make an effort to get together with them a few times a year. Most of them are pictured above, but if I'm being honest, I don't keep in touch with everyone in that photo. There are some people that I enjoy seeing randomly out and about every now and then but in general, we've all parted ways and moved on.

As someone who lives in the same city that she graduated high school from, I don't see the appeal of a 10 year reunion. When I see someone I went to high school with in the grocery store, I've been known to go down a totally different aisle just to avoid an awkward conversation about the weather and what you've been doing for the past 8 years of your life (don't act like you've never done it). The truth is that if we cared enough we'd make more of an effort to keep in touch.

Now let's be honest for a moment. Let's just get down to the bare bones of it all. We will attend our high school reunion to see what the "cool" kids have done with their lives, find out who has gained weight, who has joined weight watchers, and who has just become a total screw up.  As someone who wasn't one of the "cool" kids, I must admit I would like to know the answers to some of these mysteries, but honestly the majority of these questions are answered on a daily basis on my Facebook news feed.

I realize this all probably sounds a bit rude or perhaps antisocial, but I'm not saying anything most of us haven't already thought about. If you're big on the idea of a 10 year reunion and if you've never seen Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, I encourage you to watch it. Then you'll understand where I'm coming from.

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